
market value



market value为短语/超纲词汇

market value

price at which sth would be sold if offered publicly 市场价值; 市价
*offer a car at
500 below (its) market value 以低于市场价格500英镑出售一辆汽车.

market value

.market 'value
n [U and C]
the value of a product, building etc based on the price that people are willing to pay for it, rather than the cost of producing it or building it
the total value of all the shares on a stock market, or the value of a particular company's shares
1. But exactly how does a newcomer to the stock market go about achieving that?
    但是, 一个股票市场的新手又如何能做到这一点呢?

2. We can either dig out some earth worms in my yard or buy some shrimps in the market.
    我们可以到我家院子里 挖一些蚯蚓,或者在市场上买一些小虾.

3. What have you got in the flea market?

4. They had become the victims of commercialization, for their names had acquired a market value.

5. There is no lettuce in the market in this season.

6. The market is held in the town square.

7. They had become the victims of commercialization, for their names had acquired a market value.

8. The next day the Miller came and asked Hans to carry a sack of flour to the market and sell it for him.

9. This new leadership has abandoned all talk of economic imperialism in favor of market economics.

10. There's nothing wrong with this. It's good for us, and a lot less embarrassing than the woman in front of us in line at the market who's telling the cashier that her niece Melissa may be coming to visit on Saturday,
